Yarrow Tincture
Yarrow – Achillea millefolium
Yarrow is suited to (1) lacerations, bruises, active hemorrhaging, and old, hardened bruises, (2) fevers, or fevers and chills, (3) heat and congestion in the digestive tract, portal vein, liver, and abdominal viscera, and (4) uterine congestion with excessive (or lack of) bleeding. Yarrow can be useful in almost any kind of acute inflammation with congestion of blood. See recommendations and cautions below.
Yarrow is a member of the aster family. The Indispensable Blood Remedy.
In order to effectively treat disease we have to be able to decongest blood associated with inflammation, to thin stagnant, congealed blood, to tone the veins, to stimulant the capillaries and arteries, and move the blood to or from the surface. Yarrow, the great ‘normalizer’ of the blood does all these things.
Through its action on the blood and vasculature yarrow is suited to, (1) lacerations, bruises, active hemorrhaging, and old, hardened bruises, (2) fevers, or fevers and chills, (3) heat and congestion in the digestive tract, portal vein, liver, and abdominal viscera, and (4) uterine congestion with excessive (or lack of) bleeding. Yarrow can be useful in almost any kind of acute inflammation with congestion of blood. It is specific for hemorrhages with bright, red bleeding and contraindicated in passive, dark, coagulated flow.
Mind, Senses, Nerves, Emotions, Personality
– The “wounded warrior, wounded healer” remedy; “people that jump in, put out the fires, get cut to the bone, emotionally and physically;” sensitive, delicate persons, easily hurt.Dosage: 1x dropperful per day as needed
Cautions: Allergies to yarrow are possible. It should not be taken in large doses during pregnancy, but it is sometimes appropriate in small doses at that time.